Private lessons / Lyric doctoring / Collaborations / For hire
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Money Race, lyrics by me
Song feedback: 30 songs
What I do
Teach songwriting
For people with various levels of preparation: from beginners and amateurs to experiences professionals. Guest lecturer at Levi's Music Project and Moscow Music School
Private sessions
Portfolio reviews, private consultations and one-on-one work as a mentor or co-writer. I can analyze one of your songs and give you tools for you to re-work it with or coach/teach you on a regular basis
Lyric doctoring
I help to make songs and lyrics better — depending on what you need: minimally involved, fixing grammatical errors, tightening up lyrics/melodies, finding more poetic or more concise ways to say what you're trying to. Or re-writing lyrics, coming up with new concepts and writing out the lyric to fit the existing melodies, or significantly altering sections of or the entire song — to best cater to the story and the feeling you're aiming to convey
Topliner and songwriter for hire
I write lyrics + melodies to your beat, or an entire song to the chord progression of my creation, keeping in mind your references, or without them. I am great at talking to artists, finding topics and stories, that are important for them, and making songs about it.
A&R + artist development
I consult artists on how to pick better songs that would be consistent with their image and core values, figure out what songs would help to speak their truth through their artistic persona — what they are all about, what they want to sing about and how to create / find such songs
Writing articles and blog posts
I write and publish articles for songwriters on my webpage, as well as my telegram channel NERD POP — reflecting on different aspects of music, pop culture and new music
Программы обучения
Успешно прошли более 300 человек
Gaya Marina Garbaruk - singer-songwriter, linguist, translator. She has been writing songs since the age of 16 — in English and Russian. She completed the songwriting course from the Berklee College of Music (2013) and seminars by Berklee professor of songwriting and poetry Pat Pattison (2020). Participant of the PSV Bootcamp 2021 and 2022 (supported by Songwriters Camps, University of California UCLA) — a collaborative program for American and Russian songwriters and producers to work together and create tracks for sync, film and computer games. Co-wrote the official anthem for the Mexican EDM-festival "Droom". Pioneered teaching songwriting in the CIS-countries.

In 3 years of teaching, she has shared her method with over 400 человек, including Top-artists and celebrities in the CIS-countries. IOWA, LSP, Jukebox Trio, participants of The Voice of Russia, ФРУКТbl, Lizer, Young Adults, Лера Яскевич, Leeloo и многие другие.

Participated in MTV's «Casa Musica» (2016) — a competition for independent singer-songwriters.

Автор лекций и телеграм-канала «ЗАДРОТПОП» о написании песен как науке. Выступала экспертом по популярной музыке в программе Михаила Козырева на телеканале Дождь и на радио "Серебряный дождь" у Мари Армас.

Работала с Владом Топаловым (менеджмент, A&R, соавтор песен), группой Кватро, певицей ЛАИА, группой Therr Maitz (менеджмент), продюсировала трибьют-альбом «Лермонтов 200 по встречной», на котором также выпустила собственную песню на стихи поэта, работала с фестивалями «Усадьба Jazz» и «Пикник Афиши».

Журналист-международник с дипломом МГИМО и медиапродюсер. Speaks English, German and Spanish. Has written articles for The Village ( Billie Eilish; Ed Sheeran; Аriana Grande), Institute for Music Initiatives (where to learn how to sing), makes playlists for SALT Magazine.

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My teaching philosophy is to give a map and give tools to be able to read it, so that the student could understand where they are, where they want to get and what different ways they might want to choose and have fun in the process.

Our tools are coming up with the content (idea, concept, the title), communicating it efficiently (storytelling, logic, consistency of the narrative), as well as using the shape and technical parameters to work best for this particular song and story. These are the number, length and rhythm of line, and types and rhyme schemes.

We work with the language, meanings, sounds and with how comfortable the audience would be with listening to the song and understanding its meaning from the very first listen.

What's important for a songwriting teacher
(for Moscow Music School)
I talk about the major things, including the ability to think and continuously evolve by yourself

Свидетельство об успешном прохождении летних семинаров Пэта Пэттисона, профессора Беркли, 2020
Songwriting is like surfing. It needs the balance of the good wave and your being in shape and ready. Sometimes the waves are there and we're unable to ride them. Sometimes we're in our top form but the ocean is still.

We are able to improve our technical writing skills without inspiration so that when the moment comes, we could fully enjoy riding the creative wave, have fun and make it look good.

Live On-Air interview about Billie Eilish on TV Rain

Main skills for songwriters (for Moscow Music School)
Practical skills (for Moscow Music School)
Top-3 Russian songwriters
Top-3 global songwriters
Instagram Live with LSP — оn writing songs
Live on «Silver Rain» with Mari Armas — and the students of Levi's® Music Project (September 2020)
Свидетельство об успешном прохождении SongWriter Camps, 2021. Менторы — мультиплатиновые сонграйтеры Пэм Шейн (автор "Genie In A Bottle" Кристины Агилеры) и Ричард Харрис. Приглашенные наставники — Лиза Харрингтон и Джош Бартоломью (номинанты Грэмми на песню к фильму "Лего"), Шари Шорт (автор песен Майли Сайрус и Деми Ловато) и Симоне Беньякар (композитор для кино)
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